blue lotus vocal circle

In this meditative program we will work with the breath and long, slow vocal tones in the Nada Yoga Tradition also called the Yoga of Sound. Nada Yoga is a spiritual practice designed to help us reach a state of silence and peace. We will sing exercises, mantras and simple melodies. 

By going deeply into the characteristic intervals, embellishments and compositions of a Raga (which is a scale or mode), you will learn mental discipline and connect to the sacredness of your own voice.

In this Course, we will study one of Nada Yogas primary pathways, North Indian Classical Raga Singing which is foundational to kirtan. You will learn Compositions, Mantras and Kirtans in various Rags.

Class Includes: 

  • Practicing Vocal Techniques accompanied by Lis on the Tamboura

  • Nada Yoga practice with mantras and music composition

  • Scales, rhythm exercises and sargam to develop mental discipline

  • Vocal techniques, Sargam and Solfege

  • Ways to listen so you can sing in tune

  • Break between warm-ups and mantras for integration